Thursday 10 April, 2008

SC gives Go-Ahead for OBC Quotas!

The Supreme Court of India, today, has finally silenced the controversy surrounding OBC reservations, by declaring its verdict on the case. The SC has officially declared its acceptance of the proposed 27% Quota for the Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in all central educational institutions, including the IIMs and IITs. The proposed Quota was initiated by the Union Minister for HRD, Mr. Arjun Singh last year.
The only quantum of solace lies in the fact that the much-debated "creamy layer" has been promptly excluded from the Quota, providing concessional relief to many.
Although deemed essential by the SC, the quotas seem by and large, uncalled for; as it is a known fact that the OBCs now account for more than 41% of the Indian population, as noted by a Survey by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO)! If this stands true, then I wonder why, there arises a need to provide for reservations for such a "minority", which almost makes up the majority of the country's population!!
Frankly, the decision seems more politically flavoured than anything else, as it aims at favouring the huge vote bank represented by the OBCs in the country. However, I urge our leaders to spend a moment to imagine how utterly demoralizing, rather jeopardous it could prove to be, for a student belonging to the so-called "upper caste" or General/Open Category! Where does his/her career head to, if such decisions are taken by the very people meant to be there for his/her welfare??? Does all this even make sense for our so-called "Progressively Thinking" leaders, who care for no more than वोट and कुर्सी??? Why favour a select sect of people, by endangering the professional lives of the society at large? Why not diversify the options for such students, by making available Vocational and Technical courses instead? Who will eventually pay for the cost of implementing these Quotas and reservations?? Why do we carry the burden of such uncalled for actions, by being subjected to exorbitant fee hikes by even the govt. educational institutions??
When will our leaders learn to respect pure merit, aptitude and diligence???

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